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A woman sitting at a table with a laptop.

EDR- What is an Event Data Recorder and What Do They Tell Us About a Car Accident?


An event data record (EDR), also known as a vehicle’s black box, is a device installed in most vehicles that record technical information about the vehicle and the occupants for a brief period of time before, during, and after a…

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A man handing over papers to two people.

Pure Comparative Negligence


Were you partially at fault for causing an accident that you were injured in and are afraid to make a claim? If so, keep reading. New York is a pure comparative negligence state. What that means is that in New…

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A group of people sitting around a table with papers and a gavel.

If You Are Involved in a Car Accident


If you are involved in a car accident, you are most likely shaken up. You may have even been taken to the hospital in an ambulance or by someone else. Although you know that your life has been significantly interrupted,…

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Two people shaking hands over a gavel.

New York should abolish joint and several liability and start applying a system of pro rata share of fault for negligence cases like in Florida.


Joint and several liabilities are inequitable because a defendant can potentially be held responsible for more than their portion of the fault. For this very reason, it leads to additional lawsuits for contributions from other defendants who were also at…

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